START Education

Most people don’t have the time or resources to keep up with changes in aging issues and best practices. We continuously tap our network of sources for information you need to know, whether you are an aging adult, caregiver or organization.

START Education can help you save time and effort, so you can focus on what matters most to you.

Seniors and caregivers

Our educators connect you to the resources you need and answer your questions about aging. We can help you:

Know your rights and options so you can make smart choices about your health and finances, including guidance for legal documents such as Advanced Healthcare Directives and Power of Attorney.

Better understand the challenges of aging such as how to differentiate between normal and not normal signs of aging and ways to connect with loved ones with dementia.

Maintain your emotional and physical well-being with resources, such as evidence-based tai-chi classes that can reduce falls by improving balance.


We partner with healthcare providers, financial planners, elder law attorneys and guardians whose clients and staff need to understand aging issues and their implications. Our consultants can:

Provide your clients with one-to-one support, answer questions, offer guidance and resolve issues.

Keep your staff informed about need-to-know regulatory updates and best practices, so you can focus on your core business.

Learn how tai-chi classes changed Patti’s and Craig’s lives

Patti’s Story

Transforming my outlook on life

Situation: By the time I was diagnosed with a rare lung infection, my ability to balance was off, my brain seemed foggy, I found it difficult to read, and many days I could not get out of bed. My health provider told me I was dying and asked me if I wanted to live or die. I told him I wanted to live.

Solution: In addition to powerful antibiotics, part of my treatment is Tai Chi. It keeps me grounded, hopeful and full of peace. I cannot begin to tell you what Tai Chi does for my soul and my outlook and my life. Even during the pandemic, I attend Tai Chi classes twice a week online. I am recovering. My balance is improving. I can walk again and read. This Tai Chi community means everything to me.”

Craig’s Story

Turning my life around

Situation: I’m a masonry contractor who suffered from depression for 10-years and had career limiting neuropathy in my feet.

Solution: I started attending START Tai Chi classes, and now I’m able to work as much as I choose, and depression is in my past. Tai chi was the catalyst for these changes in my life.