START Planning for Aging™ Launches

Tracy Keibler leading a panel discussion with START's outreach nurse, an elder attorney and a senior advocate.

Great news! We just launched our new educational resource for seniors and caregivers: START Planning for Aging

In March, more than 50 participants asked questions and listened to a panel of START experts explain why creating a plan for aging is a must for older adults. Lynn Bergman (outreach nurse), Jim Dostal (advocate), Josh Casper (elder attorney) and I shared insights we've learned working with seniors in crisis. 

  1. Make your wishes known: what you want, what you don't want

  2. Create a comprehensive plan: financial, legal, medical, and care

  3. Identify a team: people who will help execute your plan and advocate for you

Acting on these three things gives seniors a voice in their future and reduces the risk of heartbreaking situations that can engulf families who are unprepared. If you or someone you know would like help creating a plan for aging, please contact me at 952.215.7052.

We're honored that the Mayo Clinic has asked our panel to speak at its Conference on Brain Health and Dementia in November. You'll hear more about it later.

We all know seniors and their families who struggle every day. Please support this important new program that will better prepare all of us to live our best lives as we age. 


Tracy Keibler, Executive Director
START Senior Solutions 



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